From the course: Microsoft 365: Administration

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Managing Microsoft Teams settings

Managing Microsoft Teams settings - Microsoft 365 Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft 365: Administration

Managing Microsoft Teams settings

So now that we've become a little familiar with the Microsoft Teams admin center, let's take a look a little bit closer at the teams that we have in here. So in my Microsoft 365 tenant, I have several Microsoft teams that I've created for several purposes. And these teams allow me to share information with users working on a specific project, a shared project. Now let's take a look at one of the teams that I created earlier in this course when I created a group called Marketing Canada. So my Marketing Canada group has an associated team, and when I click on it, I'm accessing the properties of that team. You'll remember that we set an email address for this team as MarketingCanada with my domain name. As well, I can send an email to that email address and communicate with the team, and they will be redirected to all the members of the team. So here I see the owner of the team, which is myself, and I can add additional members to the team so I can specifically add individuals to the…
