From the course: Microsoft 365: Administration

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Managing general user settings

Managing general user settings - Microsoft 365 Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft 365: Administration

Managing general user settings

In a previous video in this course, we looked at the various products and licenses that are purchased in Microsoft 365 and how those are assigned to users in order to give them access to the various Microsoft 365 workloads. So let's take a look at how we manage those users and how we manage licenses for the users. So here I am under my Active Users blade where I can search for any users. I'm going to search for my own user account and click on my user account. You see here from the basic window view that I see the licenses that are assigned to me, or short preview of those licenses, and that I have the Microsoft 365 Business Standard license assigned to my user account. I'm going to click on the user account to open up a blade that includes all of my user details. In this User Details pane, I'll see my username, my email address, all of the various aliases that are assigned to me, which are basically additional email addresses, I see all the groups I'm part of, as well, I will see the…
