From the course: Microsoft 365: Administration

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Managing domain names in Microsoft 365

Managing domain names in Microsoft 365 - Microsoft 365 Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft 365: Administration

Managing domain names in Microsoft 365

When you first purchase a Microsoft 365 subscription and create your Microsoft 365 tenant, you get a default domain, a domain that finishes with on That domain, though it may be useful initially when setting up your environment, needs to be modified later on so that you can have a more representative domain to match your organization or your company. That domain name will then be the suffix that you will use for all of your users' sign-in information, for all of your email addresses, as well as the suffix that you can use for a website that you are publishing. The resources that you publish to that will also be accessible using that domain name. So the domain becomes a very important part of the setup of your Microsoft 365 subscription. So let's take a look at domains that I have in my Microsoft 365 subscription. So if I go under settings and click on "Domains", I see the various domains that I have. Now you'll notice that domains are listed here with different…
