From the course: Microsoft 365: Administration

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Manage resource mailboxes

Manage resource mailboxes

Those of you that have experience with Microsoft Exchange Server on premises may be familiar with the concept of a resource mailbox. A resource mailbox is primarily used for the purpose of scheduling, to allow users in your organization to schedule a resource and make sure that no one else will schedule it at the same time, so that the mailbox or the resource, in this case, will be marked as utilized, or will be marked as busy. So a great example of that is a conference room. If we have a conference room, we can only have one team that uses that conference room at any one time. And in order to make sure that that conference room is marked as busy or booked, well, we can create a resource mailbox, attribute it to that conference room. And then when someone books that room, everyone else in the organization will see that the room is already booked. So how do we do that? Well, we're going to create a room resource under our resource mailbox. And remember that these resource mailbox do…
