From the course: Microsoft 365: Administration

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Exploring Microsoft 365 Admin Center: Part 2

Exploring Microsoft 365 Admin Center: Part 2 - Microsoft 365 Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft 365: Administration

Exploring Microsoft 365 Admin Center: Part 2

Now moving down the list of options that I have here in the Microsoft 365 admin center, I also have support options. Now, support options can be very relevant if you're having issues with your Microsoft 365 subscription. There are different levels of support that you can access, and you can open up a support request from Microsoft, as well you can ask for immediate support from partners, Microsoft partners. Depending on your type of support agreement that you have with Microsoft, there are different SLAs, Service-Level Agreements, in providing a response time for your various issues in Microsoft 365. So later on in this course, we will look at how we manage these service requests, how we can view their status, and so on. As well, here I have setup options. Now setup options are related to implementing your Microsoft 365 solution. And it's a lot of documentations on how you can manage a migration to Microsoft 365. I would say that as of the recording of this course, I'm doing much…
