From the course: Microsoft 365: Administration

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Configure multifactor authentication

Configure multifactor authentication - Microsoft 365 Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft 365: Administration

Configure multifactor authentication

Security is top of mind for most organizations, and a great way of securing the access to your resources, such as your mailboxes and the data stored in SharePoint Online is by implementing multi-factor authentication or forcing your users to use more than one method of authentication. The first method of authentication all users are using is username, password combination. And you can set various password rules to enforce your users to use complex passwords. You can also set policies using Microsoft Entra to specify what conditions must exist for a user to access your resources. Those are called conditional access policies. However, multi-factor authentication is one of those solutions that does not require additional licensing, that does not require complex configuration or devices, and that really allows you to implement a structure where a user needs to input their username and password, but also use a secondary method of authentication, such as a code sent to them by text message…
