From the course: Maya: Shader Networks

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Incorporating diffuse light with surface luminance

Incorporating diffuse light with surface luminance

From the course: Maya: Shader Networks

Incorporating diffuse light with surface luminance

- [Instructor] Our non-photo real shader resembling a woodcut print is shaping up nicely. It's missing lighting. We can add lighting into our shading network using a surface luminance node. We can create that from the hyper shade menus and create color utilities surface luminance. Now that actually is kind of miscategorized because we're not dealing with color at all here, but I'll click to create that node, select the surface luminance, and we see it has no attributes to play with really. And it's just got a single output value, which is a floating point number. That is the monochrome brightness value of the lighting at each shading point on the surface. So it's luminance, it's not color. We'll want to adjust the output of the surface luminance to art direct the look of the non-photo real shader. We'll need a remap value node. So let's create that, click in the graph, press the tab key and type in REM and choose remap…
