From the course: Mastering Common Interview Questions

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Example interviews: What makes you interesting?

Example interviews: What makes you interesting?

From the course: Mastering Common Interview Questions

Example interviews: What makes you interesting?

- We're now going to look at some examples of job candidates answering the question, "What makes you interesting?" When answering this, it comes down to, why should I hire you? It's a narrative of your cumulative experience that led you to this position. The first candidate, Tom, is interviewing for an entry-level position as a UX designer. Let's see what he says. - Tom, what makes you interesting? - Before my coursework, I was always user-centered. I would design my thank you cards based on the personalities of the people that I would talk with. I also would love to work with your company because you are already so user-centered, and based on my experience, I would love to bring that to the company and I would love to continue the conversations. - Great. - Tom's narrative worked well. Even though it's not work-related, he creatively demonstrates his interest in user design. He also talks about how his interest is…
