From the course: Marvelous Designer: ArchViz Cloth Simulation and Details

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Sewing tools

Sewing tools

- [Instructor] Sewing tools are the tools we use to create a connection between pieces. So there are very few options which we're going to see really quickly. So the first option that we have here is edit sewing. We also have segments sewing, and we have free sewing. So you can see that we have these options both in the 2D and 3D windows. So they are pretty straightforward. So if I select segment sewing, what it can do is just click and then click on another piece of fabric or in another piece in the same piece of fabric. And then I will create a sewing. As you can see, we have a indicator which will tell us the direction of the sewing that we creating. And you can check in the 3D window that we have a straight sewing going on here. But if I undo this, I can do this to the top. But before I click on the other piece, if I move my mouse closer to the other point of my piece you can see that the direction of the sewing…
