From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services

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Top email marketing tools

Top email marketing tools

- [Presenters] With so many different email marketing platforms available, I'd like to talk about some of the top solutions for you to choose from, whether you're a small, medium, or large organization. The first one that I'd like to talk about is HubSpot. This platform has been around since 2004. They started email marketing with the idea that people were sick of spam, so they started a reader-centric email system, and they wanted it to be personalized, they wanted it to be valuable, and it's really grown since then. I would say that today HubSpot is probably the industry leader when it comes to email marketing. It's a fully fledged system. It has all the bells and whistles. You can integrate social media. It integrates with most websites. They offer analytical data, A/B testing, lead generation, lead scoring, and automation. So if you're looking to get into email marketing for the long run and you have a decent…
