From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services

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Stay up-to-date in the world of digital marketing

From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services

Stay up-to-date in the world of digital marketing

- [Anson] Thanks for watching the Digital Marketing Tools course. I hope that by now you have an idea of who the industry leaders are for whatever type of digital marketing that you're looking to do and that you have an increased knowledge of some of the strategies that you could use to sift through all of the different options that you have available to you. I'd like to leave you with a few tips as you move forward with your marketing efforts. First of all, always remember to focus on the return on investment. Our marketing efforts are null and void if we can't produce profit at the end of the day. I find that sometimes it's easy for marketers to get wrapped up in clicks or lead generation or how big an email list is. Well, none of that matters if we can't produce profit so don't forget about that. When it comes to selecting tools, make sure that you're selecting the ones that are tried and true. All of the tools…
