From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services

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Search engine marketing tools

Search engine marketing tools

- [Instructor] Let's talk about some tools that you can use for search engine marketing. Search engine marketing is when you pay to get a link at the top of a search engine result's page. So that's the first couple of links that you see in Google Search that say Sponsored or Promoted. And we're going to talk about the different tools that you can use to actually set up those campaigns and then a couple of additional tools that you can use to enhance your research. So when it comes to actually advertising in search engines, there are only a few options that are really worth it. Obviously, the king of the industry is still Google. So you definitely want to start a campaign in Google Ads if you're looking to get into search engine marketing. And you can do so here at We also talked earlier in the course about using Google Ads for your display advertising. So you can do both in the same place. You can just get…
