From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services

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Recommended essentials for digital marketing

Recommended essentials for digital marketing

- [Instructor] Throughout this course, I've mentioned dozens of tools and techniques for you to use as a marketer to get out of the gates running and not have to sift through all of the available options. That being said, some of these tools are geared for more small organizations and some are geared for larger organizations. So I've put together my all-star list of digital marketing tools that I think pretty much any organization should have. The first tool that I have on my essential digital marketing tools list is Hootsuite. So once you get past just using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter directly, and you want to have a social automation tool, unless you have a reason to choose another one, Hootsuite is the top dog. It's the best one out there and it's definitely the one to start with. When it comes to advertising, there are a number of different networks. However, there's only one that's at the top of the pack and that…
