From the course: Marketing Tools: Digital Marketing Tools and Services

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Promoting content on social media

Promoting content on social media

- [Instructor] When people think about using social media for marketing, they often think of two different ways to use it. You can either post your normal organic posts to your social profiles, or you can pay for display advertising, say, on the sidebar of YouTube. But promoted posts offer a third way that I'm sure many of you are aware of. What you're essentially doing is taking a post that you normally post for free to your social profile, but you're actually paying for it to reach a larger audience. There are a number of platforms that allow you to do this, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And we are going to take a look at a couple of examples on both Facebook and Twitter. So here we are on my Facebook's business page, and I have this post right here on the right that I posted earlier, and I'd like to promote this post. So what I can do is I can go to the bottom right and I can click on the Boost Post…
