From the course: Marketing on YouTube

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Utilize video cards and end screens

Utilize video cards and end screens

From the course: Marketing on YouTube

Utilize video cards and end screens

- [Instructor] In order to maximize the exposure that your videos get on YouTube, it's a good idea to make use of two features, known as end screens and cards. Right now I'm in YouTube Creator Studio and I've just clicked on the Content section so I'm viewing all of our videos. Now, the way end screens and cards work is they're actually added to your videos and allow you to mark a place in your videos where you can link to other content, or playlists, or even your website. So we've been working with this Healthy Tips for Better Sleep video. So what we're going to do is, we're going to go ahead and click on the Details link. And then, on the left side of the screen, we're going to click on Editor. Now you can actually do quite a bit of editing for your videos here on YouTube. You can add audio, you can trim them and crop them, but we don't really want to edit the video itself. We just are interested in these two…
