From the course: Marketing on YouTube

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Set up a YouTube Brand Account

Set up a YouTube Brand Account

From the course: Marketing on YouTube

Set up a YouTube Brand Account

- [Instructor] In order to use YouTube, you must have a Google account. You can use an already existing Google account, or you can create a new one. It's important, however, that the YouTube portion of your Google account be set up as a brand account. With a brand account, viewers will be able to see your business name when viewing your channel, instead of your personal name. Brand accounts can also be managed by multiple Google accounts, and access can easily be given, or revoked. So if one employee leaves the company you can revoke their access to your brand account. You hire a new employee, you can just give their account access to manage the brand account. So it's definitely the best way to go when you're working in a team environment. Okay so, let's go ahead and move on over to YouTube, and take a look. Okay so, here I am on YouTube, and I've already signed into an account. So you can go ahead and sign in. If…
