From the course: Marketing on YouTube

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Set marketing goals on YouTube

Set marketing goals on YouTube

From the course: Marketing on YouTube

Set marketing goals on YouTube

- [Anson] When it comes to setting goals for our YouTube channel there are a few metrics that we can look at to help gauge our success. First of all, it's a good idea to set some subscriber milestones. Subscribers are of the utmost importance when it comes to YouTube, gaining more subscribers will help your future marketing content reach more viewers. Measuring your subscriber growth is also a great way to gauge the success of videos you've already uploaded. So take a look at some other channels that are in the same industry as you. Or, if you already have a YouTube channel, think about what that next subscriber milestone might be. It might be 100 subscribers, it might be a 1000, it might be 10,000. It's going to be relative to your channel and your business. It's important to set these goals to give you something to work towards on YouTube. You can also set view milestones. It could be views for your entire channel, or…
