From the course: Marketing on YouTube

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Perform keyword research for SEO on YouTube

Perform keyword research for SEO on YouTube

From the course: Marketing on YouTube

Perform keyword research for SEO on YouTube

- [Narrator] I've already talked about how important it is to optimize your videos for search engines to increase the exposure that they get when people are searching in Google or Bing. One of the best ways to do that is to perform keyword research. Here are some of the strategies that I use when I'm performing keyword research for my videos on YouTube. First of all, you want to use both the Google search and the YouTube search auto fill box. When you search on Google a list automatically appears as you type your search term. And all of the keywords in that list are search terms that have a high search volume and would be good content ideas. You want to look for search terms that have a high volume which means a lot of searches but that also have a low competition, less relevant results when the user actually performs that search. You also want to try and find some long tail keywords. Keywords that are more specific and…
