From the course: Marketing on YouTube

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Optimize YouTube video details for marketing

Optimize YouTube video details for marketing

From the course: Marketing on YouTube

Optimize YouTube video details for marketing

- [Instructor] Earlier in the course, we did some keyword research to help optimize our tips for better sleep video that we uploaded to our H+ Sport YouTube account. And now I want to go in and modify the title and description of that video to reflect the research that we did. So right now, I'm on the dashboard page here in YouTube. I'm just going to go over to the Content section and I'm going to find the video. So, right now, it's called "Tips to get a better night's sleep." And we're going to edit the details of this video. So, first of all, we're going to change the title. And I have a text edit document that has the title that I'd like to use. So you can see here's the text edit document. And we actually found out during our research that, first of all, a lot of people were searching about better sleep for certain groups of people. And our video wasn't specific to a certain group of people, but it was kind of geared for…
