From the course: Marketing on YouTube

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Marketing on YouTube: Interact with viewers

Marketing on YouTube: Interact with viewers

From the course: Marketing on YouTube

Marketing on YouTube: Interact with viewers

- [Narrator] In order to be as successful as possible on YouTube, it's important to interact with your viewers to learn as much as you can about their interests and how they perceive your channel. The best way to do that on YouTube is to review and respond to comments posted by your viewers. You could access the Comments section on the left side of your screen while you're on the YouTube Studio Dashboard. From here, we can view comments that have already been published to our channel, and we can also see comments that have been held for review because they likely will be spam. As you can see here, I've commented on the video that we uploaded earlier, and I commented from my main YouTube account. Notice that from here, we can reply to the comment, we could like it, dislike it, or give it a heart, which is even better than a like. This Comments section makes it easy to manage comments when you have a lot of videos uploaded…
