From the course: Marketing on YouTube

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Important SEO elements for YouTube videos

Important SEO elements for YouTube videos

From the course: Marketing on YouTube

Important SEO elements for YouTube videos

- [Instructor] In order to maximize the views that the videos you upload to YouTube receive, it's important to optimize your videos for search engines so that when people search terms related to the content on your YouTube channel, your videos appear in those search engine results. Search engines provide great content exposure, especially when you're first starting on YouTube. A lot of your traffic is probably going to come from people searching on Google or Bing. Here are some of the factors that contribute to ranking in search engines. The video title is probably the most important aspect of your video when it comes to ranking in search engines. You want to make sure that all of the primary keywords related to your video are in that video title because it's one of the first things that search engines look at when they're determining which videos and articles to show on search engine results pages. The video description…
