From the course: Marketing on YouTube

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Customize your YouTube channel layout

Customize your YouTube channel layout

From the course: Marketing on YouTube

Customize your YouTube channel layout

- [Instructor] In this video, I'd like to talk about how we can customize how our videos appear on our YouTube channel main page. So right now, this is what our YouTube channel looks like. And it's a little boring. We just have this general uploads section. All of our videos are just listed here. Obviously, if we had more content on this channel, it would look better, because we'd just have more videos. But let's talk about how we can customize how this looks a little bit. So I'm going to go up here, and I'm going to click on the Customize Channel button. So you see that a new tab opens up, and earlier in the course we talked about the Branding and Basic info tab, but we didn't do much with the layout tab, because we hadn't uploaded our video yet. So I wanted to hold off on that, but now we're ready. So, first of all, we have these two first options. So what do we want people to see who haven't subscribed? This is…
