From the course: Marketing on YouTube

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Advertise on YouTube

Advertise on YouTube

- [Instructor] A course on YouTube marketing wouldn't be complete without mentioning paid advertising. So let's take a look at how you can get started with that. You do YouTube advertising using Google Ads. So if you go to, you can sign in with the same account that you use for your YouTube channel. You'll set up a YouTube advertising campaign in the same way that you set up a campaign to advertise in Google search engine or in display advertising, so display ads on blogs and websites. Now I'm not going to go into Google Ads and show you all of that. There is so much content in doing that, that there can be and there is an entire course dedicated to that. So I have another course on this site. It's called Advertising on YouTube, and I actually go into Google Ads and we set up a campaign and we go through the entire process of advertising on YouTube in front of other YouTube videos, so definitely check out…
