From the course: Market Research: Qualitative

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Becoming a great moderator

Becoming a great moderator

- Because so much of qualitative research has to do with having genuine conversations with people, building your skills as an effective moderator is really important. Whether you're facilitating an interview, a focus group, or any other kind of qualitative research, the role of the moderator consists of the following things: First, the moderator is responsible for keeping the discussion on track based on research goals established ahead of time. As the moderator, it's your job to actively listen to, to acknowledge the contributions of participants and ask relevant followup questions that make it clear you're having a discussion not just reading from an interview guide. This is how you ensure a smooth discussion. In a group setting, it's important that the moderator makes sure that all participants are heard and this often involves calling on participants by name, asking directly for their feedback. It involves summarizing…
