From the course: Market Research: Qualitative

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Analyzing qualitative data

Analyzing qualitative data

- I think the easiest way to think about qualitative data analysis is to imagine you're tidying your house with space organizing expert Marie Kondo. If you've read her books or seen her Netflix series, she has a very simple yet effective method. She tidies in one spot as quickly and completely as possible. First, she piles up all the stuff in one place so you can see everything you own. Then she sorts by category, not location. Analyzing qualitative data is exactly like that. What happens after data collection is that you wind up with a ton of data all over the place, totally disorganized, and it can certainly feel overwhelming if you don't have a plan. So here's the plan to Marie Kondo your data. First, put every data point you have visually in front of you so you can see the range of data you're working with. That means everything, literally. Go through the transcripts and write down exactly what the participants…
