From the course: Mapping the Modern Web Design Process

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- At this point, I'm pretty sure you feel a desperate urge to stick your hand into your monitor and tap me on the shoulder to ask, "Morton, shouldn't we be like doing some design work at this point?" And you're right, we should. And that point is right now. Well, let me rephrase that. We should start thinking about layouts right now, and layouts could be argued to be part of the design process. Semantics, I know, but by the end of the course, you'll know why distinctions like these matter. By following the process I've outlined in this chapter, you've ended up with a comprehensive content strategy for the site. You know who you are designing it for and what they want, you know what content will go on the site and how these pieces of content will be grouped, you know the hierarchical structure of the site as a whole and the content on individual pages and views, and you've architected a map of the structure and…
