From the course: Mapping the Modern Web Design Process

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Establishing user personas

Establishing user personas

- Second only to the content itself, the most important thing to consider when building a website is the end user and what she wants. To this end, it's important to create user personas, a set of imaginary people that describe the end user or users of the site. Personas allow us to create user-centric designs and ensure that we focus on and empathize with the people we are endeavoring to reach. In practical terms, a user persona is quite similar to a character sheet in a role playing game. The persona is a list of traits and attributes that describe an archetypal end user; gender, age, social status, occupation, et cetera, as well as what goals this person has, and how they relate to the website. Why is she here and what does she want? The process of creating personas starts with investigating who you want to reach with the website. This could be existing or prospective customers, or it could be social media users, a…
