From the course: Mapping the Modern Web Design Process

Content strategy

- We now enter the content strategy phase of our process which is the first major block of our web design circle. This stage is about the planning, development and management of content for the web, known for short as content strategy. In this chapter, we'll look at some key aspects of content strategy and see how they play into the overall web design process. What you'll discover is that the content strategy of a website is a key determining factor in every other aspect of the creative process. And by establishing a comprehensive content strategy before moving on to design and development, you'll have a clear point of reference as crucial decisions are made. There are certain aspects of content strategy including tone and language that fall outside the scope of this course. While they're important they belong in a wider discussion about content creation, moderation, and marketing rather than that of the web design process itself which is why I've left them out. As I've said earlier in the course, the main purpose of a website is communication. And for communication to happen, you need content. In other words, the content is all that matters. What the content looks like and how it's technically served up to the end user is secondary. The time you spend in content strategy will make itself up twofold or even tenfold in the time saved during design and development. So let's dive in.
