From the course: Mapping the Modern Web Design Process

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Content auditing

Content auditing

- We've established that content is all that really matters. So it naturally follows that every web design project should start with the content. What we need to do here is create inventory and audit all content and list every asset and how it relates to other assets. For simplicity, I'll refer to this process simply as the content audit. When I say asset, I'm referring to each item that may appear on the site, either on its own or in conjunction with other content. That may be a page or it may be text images, video or other elements that are displayed together on a page. The idea here is to identify every asset and make sure it's accounted for as the project progresses. The content audit is crucial, whether you are starting from scratch or have an existing website that is being rebuilt. By compiling a list of all assets and their attributes, you'll have a clear picture of what elements are going to go into the site, where…
