From the course: Mapping the Modern Web Design Process

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Accessibility testing

Accessibility testing

- The first round of tests for your new site should be accessibility testing. As I've explained previously, accessibility is usually an afterthought where web design is concerned but in our process, we are putting it front and center because accessibility matters. Accessibility testing is part technical, meaning you and your team can do some of it in your own office without having to bring in end users. Here I'm talking about baseline testing for web standards and accessibility compliance, keyword navigation, image and media tags, and content hierarchies. To test the code on your site, run it through an accessibility validator like This tool will provide a detailed breakdown of how your markup and content stacks up to accessibility guidelines. It is also a good idea to run it through an HTML validation check at the same time to clean up any errors lurking in your code. Next, visit the front page of your…
