From the course: Mapping the Modern Web Design Process

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A guide to the web design process

A guide to the web design process

- The purpose of this course is to give you an overview or a map of the modern web design process, what disciplines are involved and what steps we go through to build modern websites. Viewed from a distance, we can see the modern web design process as a series of discrete phases, each of which focuses on a task or group of tasks and each of which has a significant role to play in the creation of the final product. To help guide us through the process and provide a visual reference when you start on your own next big web design project, I've created a map of sorts that outlines the different phases, their order and sequence, their proportional length in relation to each other, and how they relate. As we move through the course, we'll walk through the map, starting at the on-ramp of the preprocess phase and then moving to content strategy and cycling through the rest of the phases in clockwise order. You'll notice…
