From the course: macOS Quick Tips

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Zip and unzip files

Zip and unzip files - Mac OS Tutorial

From the course: macOS Quick Tips

Zip and unzip files

- [Instructor] A zip file is a single file that contains several other files compressed together. Zip files can be downloaded from the web, and they're useful to send several files to send several files as an email attachment. as an email attachment. If you have a zip file that you need to open, all you need to do is double-click on it. A new folder is created which contains all of the files that were in that zip file. You can move, copy and work with these files normally in Finder. in finder. in finder. If you have several files that you want If you have several files that you want to package together in a zip file, to package together in a zip file, in a zip file, start by selecting those files. start by selecting those files. start by selecting those files. Right click on the files that you've selected, Right-click on the files that you've selected and choose Compress Items. and choose compress items. A new zip file is created. A new zip file is created. A new…
