From the course: macOS Quick Tips

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Use edge snap to align windows

Use edge snap to align windows - Mac OS Tutorial

From the course: macOS Quick Tips

Use edge snap to align windows

- [Instructor] In Mac OS when you move windows, - [Instructor] In Mac OS when you move windows, they will snap to edges to help you line them up evenly. they will snap to edges to help you line them up evenly. Move a window to the left or right edge of the screen. Move a window to the left or right edge of the screen. If you move slowly, the edge of the window If you move slowly, the edge of the window will snap to the edge of the screen. will snap to the edge of the screen. If you move a bit more, If you move a bit more, the window will unsnap and continue to move. the window will unsnap and continue to move. Use this snapping to help you position a window Use this snapping to help you position a window against the edge of the screen. against the edge of the screen. Move one window close to another Move one window close to another and it will snap to the edges of that window. and it will snap to the edges of that window. And again, you can push the…
