From the course: macOS Quick Tips

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Take a quick picture of your screen

Take a quick picture of your screen - Mac OS Tutorial

From the course: macOS Quick Tips

Take a quick picture of your screen

- [Instructor] It's easy to take a picture of your screen - [Instructor] It's easy to take a picture of your screen using keyboard shortcuts. using keyboard shortcuts. Use the keyboard combination Command + Shift + 3. Use the keyboard combination Command + Shift + 3. (camera shutter clicking) First, a small preview of your picture appears First, a small preview of your picture appears at the bottom of the screen. at the bottom of the screen. Wait a moment, then your picture is saved to the desktop. Wait a moment, then your picture is saved to the desktop. You can double click on the picture file to open it. You can double-click on the picture file to open it. You can double-click on the picture file to open it. Quit the Preview application when you're finished. Quit the preview application when you're finished. Quit the Preview application when you're finished. Use Command + Shift + 4 to enable the Selection tool. Use Command + Shift + 4 to enable the…
