From the course: macOS Quick Tips

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Set hot corners to quickly trigger specific actions

Set hot corners to quickly trigger specific actions - Mac OS Tutorial

From the course: macOS Quick Tips

Set hot corners to quickly trigger specific actions

- [Instructor] Hot corners let you quickly trigger important actions by pointing your mouse at a corner of the screen. Open System Preferences, go to the Desktop & Screen Saver category, go to the Desktop & Screen Saver category, go to the Desktop and Screen Saver category, and make sure you're in the Screen Saver tab. and make sure you're in the Screen Saver tab. Click on the button for Hot Corners. Click on the button for Hot Corners. For each corner of your screen, For each corner of your screen, set an action that you want to trigger. set an action that you want to trigger. You do not have to set an action for every corner You do not have to set an action for every corner if you don't want. if you don't want. Point your mouse cursor at a corner of your screen Point your mouse cursor at a corner of your screen Point your mouse cursor at a corner of your screen to trigger the action that you've assigned. to trigger the action that you've assigned.…
