From the course: macOS Quick Tips

Quick tips for working more effectively in macOS - Mac OS Tutorial

From the course: macOS Quick Tips

Quick tips for working more effectively in macOS

- [Nick] I'm Nick Brazzi. I've put together a collection of quick tips and tricks for macOS Mojave designed to give you some new skills, inspire new ways of working, or remind you of features that you forgot about when working with a Mac. Each self-contained movie is about one minute long, so you can jump in at any point and get some helpful insight in no time. You'll see tips for customizing the Mac interface, setting default applications for specific tasks, lots of tricks for managing files, quickly switching between user accounts, using temporary user accounts, and much more. This course was made with macOS Mojave, but almost everything you'll see in this course will work with other versions of macOS as well. So even if you only have a minute or two, you can still pick up some valuable skills for working with a Mac computer.
