From the course: macOS Quick Tips

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Enlarge part of the screen

Enlarge part of the screen - Mac OS Tutorial

From the course: macOS Quick Tips

Enlarge part of the screen

- [Instructor] You can use the zoom feature - You can use the zoom feature to enlarge part of the screen. Go to system preferences then to the accessibility category. then to the Accessibility category. Go to the zoom section, enable the option Enable the option to use scroll gestures to use scroll gestures with modifier keys to zoom. with modifier keys to zoom. This option requires a scrolling mouse or a or a trackpad enabled with the two-finger scrolling gesture. track pad enabled with the two finger scrolling gesture. Point the mouse cursor where you want to zoom, Point the mouse cursor where you want to zoom, hold the Control key and scroll up on the mouse hold the control key and scroll up on the mouse, or place two fingers on the trackpad and swipe up. or place two fingers on the track pad and swipe up. You can see things that might otherwise be too small. You can see things that might otherwise be too small. To zoom out, just hold the Control key To zoom out just…
