From the course: LLM Foundations: Vector Databases for Caching and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

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Milvus architecture

Milvus architecture

In this video, we will review the architecture of Milvus. We will be discussing a simplified version of the architecture at a logical level ignoring design details. Clients of Milvus typically access it through an SDK. They can also directly use the Milvus API to perform these operations. The SDK talks to the access layer in Milvus. The access layer is a RESTful gRPC API. It typically runs on Port 19530. When the SDK sends data definition language, or DDL, statements to the access layer, like creating databases, collections, or users, the request is routed to a coordinator service. The coordinator service drives the Milvus cluster and performs all management and maintenance operations. It uses a metadata storage for storing metadata about the cluster. This uses the etcd service by default for storage. When data manipulation language, or DML, statements are received by the access layer, like inserts, updates, and deletes, they are sent to the message queue. By default, Milvus uses…
