From the course: Leveraging Generative AI for Project Management

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Ethical considerations in AI project management

Ethical considerations in AI project management

From the course: Leveraging Generative AI for Project Management

Ethical considerations in AI project management

- AI is not a technological challenge. It's a human challenge with all possible ramifications and unintended consequences. Projects can benefit from AI to improve their performance. At the same time, projects are the tool used to create AI solutions, like what we saw in the previous lessons. If you open the news today, you will see expert opinions, ranging from extreme positions like AI make human civilization extinct to AI will be a tool that humans will always have complete control over. We can all have any opinion, but there are actions we must put in place as project managers to ensure that the basic principles of ethics are considered along the way. And first, we must consider the workforce. AI will impact employees, suppliers, and several other stakeholders. We need to be mindful that these impacts may not be the expected ones, and we can create more inequality and problems in society due to the AI. We are…
