From the course: Learning Virtualization

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Uninstalling Hyper-V

Uninstalling Hyper-V

- [Instructor] So now we've had some fun with Hyper-V, but now I'm going to demonstrate how to uninstall it. This is because I would like to install a different Hypervisor. Most of the time, we cannot run two Hypervisors on the same host and machine. There are some exceptions, some situations where you could run two Hypervisors, but you would typically get very poor performance. So it's always a best practice to uninstall one Hypervisor before you install a different one. If you've created some virtual machines, you'll want to back those up or get the data off of them somehow because uninstalling Hyper-V will delete your virtual machines. So once you've made whatever backups you would like, we can go to the Windows features, and I'll see the option to turn Windows features on or off, and there, I'll just simply clear the checkbox next to Hyper-V. Hit OK. It'll think about it for a few minutes and then it'll tell me…
