From the course: Learning Virtualization

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Understanding virtual networking

Understanding virtual networking

From the course: Learning Virtualization

Understanding virtual networking

- [Instructor] In this section, I'd like to talk about virtual networking, and in particular, we're going to talk about two scenarios. The first one is two guests communicating on the same host. So in this situation, we have virtual machine A and virtual machine B running on the same host and they would like to send network traffic back and forth. The other situation is a guest communicating with the outside world, and I'll define the outside world as anything that's not running on the same host. So this could be a guest trying to communicate with the internet, trying to communicate with a physical server or trying to communicate with a virtual server running on a different host. First we'll look at two virtual machines running on the same host, trying to communicate with one another. So virtual machine A would like to send some information to virtual machine B running on the same host. What could happen is that virtual machine…
