From the course: Learning Virtualization

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Understanding virtual CPU

Understanding virtual CPU

- [Instructor] In this section I'd like to talk about virtual processors. A virtual processor is sometimes called a vCPU. We'll contrast that to a physical processor which would be a pCPU. In older hypervisors, virtual processing occurred by having the hypervisor pass info between the physical CPU and the guest VM. So basically the guest VM had complete access and complete control over one CPU. This meant that the number of virtual processors we could possibly create was equal to the number of physical processors in the machine. The newer technique that many modern hypervisors have employed is called time division. In a time division scenario, each physical CPU give some cycles to a pool of virtual CPU. So every physical processor we have is going to spend some of its time running the host machine but anytime that it's not running the host machine, that available processing power will be sent to a pool and all of the…
