From the course: Learning Virtualization

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Understanding the cloud

Understanding the cloud

- In this section, I'd like to talk about the cloud and get a working definition of the cloud. The cloud is a little difficult to define because different vendors define it differently. But in general, a cloud solution involves some vendor running hypervisor software on hardware that they own. They will rent to you access to that hypervisor where you can run your own virtual machines or use pre-built virtual machines. When you run a virtual machine in the cloud you may not be exactly sure what physical server is running your virtual server. For example, if you're using the AWS service, you may not be exactly sure where your virtual server is running. Amazon runs large data centers in California, Oregon, and Virginia. So at any given time, your virtual server could be in any one of those data centers. And even if you knew what data center it was in, you wouldn't know what machine in that data center it's running…
