From the course: Learning Virtualization

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Understanding different file systems

Understanding different file systems

From the course: Learning Virtualization

Understanding different file systems

- [Instructor] In this section, I'd like to talk about some different file systems and how they relate to virtualization. We'll talk about the Virtual Machine File System, VMFS, the Network File System, NFS, the New Technology File System, NTFS, and raw device mapping, RDM. First, VMFS. This is a file system proprietary to VMware. It is a clustered file system, and that means it can be mounted on multiple servers simultaneously. So each of your hosts could all connect to the same file system at the same time. And as you might expect with a proprietary system, it is preferred by VMware. Most of the VMware hypervisors will work with other file systems, but the default choice and the preferred choice is VMFS. Next, we'll talk about NFS, and this is a system that was originally developed by Sun but is now an open standard used fairly commonly in the Unix and Linux world. It is a distributed file system, meaning it…
