From the course: Learning Virtualization

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Troubleshooting slow performance

Troubleshooting slow performance

From the course: Learning Virtualization

Troubleshooting slow performance

- [Instructor] In this section I'd like to talk about troubleshooting slow performance of a guest machine. When troubleshooting slow performance the first thing we're going to look at is does the guest have adequate resources, does the guest have adequate processor? Some software will benefit significantly from multiple processors, other software will not. It just depends on if the software was designed to run in a multiprocessor environment. In a virtualization scenario it's typically very easy to experiment and add a small amount of processor or remove some processor and see if that makes a significant difference in the performance. We'll also want to investigate whether or not the guest machine has enough memory. And certainly if the guest machine is low on memory that's going to cause some performance problems. Once we have given a guest machine an adequate amount of memory then adding more memory probably won't help…
