From the course: Learning Virtualization

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Troubleshooting network communication

Troubleshooting network communication

From the course: Learning Virtualization

Troubleshooting network communication

- In this section, I'd like to talk about troubleshooting network communications in virtual machines. The first step, you want to make sure every virtual machine has a unique name, unique IP address, and unique MAC address. It's very easy when we clone or copy machines, that some of this information will remain the same. And all of our best practices say each of these things should be unique across all of our machines. The machine name and IP address would be changed inside of the guest operating system. However, the MAC address is typically assigned by the hypervisor, and you'll need to go through some sort of administrative interface in order to change the MAC address. I've had some personal experience with problems with duplicate MAC addresses. It usually presents itself as very slow network performance. So both of the machines with the duplicated MAC addresses will at times function normally, but if they try to…
