From the course: Learning Virtualization

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Troubleshooting common errors

Troubleshooting common errors

From the course: Learning Virtualization

Troubleshooting common errors

- [Instructor] In this section, I'd like to talk about a couple of common issues that come up with virtual machines. The first one is access denied. Sometimes when we try to start a virtual machine we'll receive an access denied error. When this happens, you want to check the permissions on the files that make up the virtual machine. And the directory that those files are held in. The hypervisor will need full control of both of those. In addition, many hypervisors need full control of a temp directory and sometimes this is the same temp directory that the host operating system uses. In other hypervisors, it will have its own temp directory. And also, if you're using snapshots the hypervisor will need full control of the directory where you store the snapshots. And it will need to read those every time you restart the virtual machine. So, if you're getting an access denied error here are some places you can look and…
