From the course: Learning Virtualization

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Setting up test and development environments

Setting up test and development environments

From the course: Learning Virtualization

Setting up test and development environments

- In this section, I'd like to talk about one of the common uses of virtualization, and that is creating a virtualized test environment. There are two types of test environments we'll talk about. One is a permanent test environment, and the other is for some sort of temporary testing. So first let's talk about the permanent test environment. The example I'll use is an eCommerce website. An organization that maintains an eCommerce website, would likely have a test infrastructure. And before they roll changes to the production website, they would need to be rolled at the testing, and then have some sort of QA department come in and evaluate the changes. There can be some advantages in having this test environment be virtualized. One of those would be the use of snapshots and checkpoints. So in a test environment, sooner or later something happens that doesn't go quite right and you need to back out of it. You need to undo…
