From the course: Learning Virtualization

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Setting up networking with VMware Workstation

Setting up networking with VMware Workstation

From the course: Learning Virtualization

Setting up networking with VMware Workstation

- In this section, we're going to talk about working with networking in VM-ware workstation. Typically when you create a new virtual machine if you use most of the defaults you will get internet access. So this virtual machine, I haven't edited anything about the networking yet and I can in fact connect to the internet. So that's all you want, you don't necessarily need to edit any of the network settings. But I did want to demonstrate some of that. You could first select the virtual machine in the left-hand tree view, then right click on it and go to settings. And most of this stuff you can work with while the virtual machines running. So I can go to the network adapter and even while the virtual machine is running I can change these things. At the top we have two check boxes, one for connected and one for connected power ON. So the connected one is just literally whether or not this network, adapter is part of the…
