From the course: Learning Virtualization

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Saving energy

Saving energy

- [Instructor] In this section, I'd like to talk about how virtualization can save energy. Saving energy can be a big benefit for any company. Obviously, saving energy is good for the environment. Saving energy also typically means saving money, which every company wants to do. And also saving energy can help scale data centers. Many data centers are bound by how much electricity they can get in. And although they may have the physical space to add more servers, they simply don't have enough power to add more servers. If you could reduce the amount of power being utilized by the servers, then you could get more servers into the data center. The nature of virtualization typically means we buy less hardware and that means less energy is consumed. So for example, if you needed to set up 20 servers, you could go out and buy 20 physical servers. So that would be 20 power supplies, 20 hard drives, 20 motherboards, et cetera. And…
